Monday, February 29, 2016

#SB2k16 step 5: don't plan ahead for a day and just pick a random spot on the map! #Genova #katiespiceurope
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 29, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 29, 2016 at 04:27AM
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Saturday, February 27, 2016
#SB2k16 Step 4: take a day trip to Venice. Don't worry you don't have to walk there, just hop on a train! #katiespiceurope
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 28, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 28, 2016 at 12:01AM
My Study Abroad Recipe
Story time with Katie. So, I read a lot of cook books in my spare time. Yeah, you read that right. I read cook books for fun. Additionally, some of you may know me from my semi-famous cooking show: Cooking Colorfully with Katie. I love to cook, but I haven't taken advantage of the new studio for my show! In keeping with the theme of meals and shared time together with the de Boer family, I have created my own recipe.
6 Dutch family members
2 crazy cats
A dash of adventure
In a Dutch oven, mix ingredients together. Stir constantly for the first month, ensuring that the American gets a good blending. In the second month stir occasionally giving the American her space to grow. In the 3rd month, let recipe rise. Once, the mixture has risen for 1 month, a sweet fragrance will be present.
The last month... well thats up to you! Decide for yourself what your recipe needs in the last month. Maybe you just sit around a table and enjoy it for all its worth. Small bites with coffee and good conversation. Large ravenous bites to take everything in at one time. How will I end my recipe? Just wait and see!
Trouble shooting your recipe.
- You don't have a Dutch oven... well then you're out of luck try a different recipe.
- If in the second month the American portion is being stretched too much, an extra tablespoon of love or a dash of social gathering may be needed.
- If in the second month your mixture isn't looking right you may need to stir more often to encourage the mix to grow before you let it rise.
- If you notice the mixture dipping in the middle, this is alright! Before the mixture can rise it may need a little time to relax first.
- If after the 3rd month the fragrance is not sweet make sure that the American is doing her laundry (don't worry mom I do mine!).
Lord you are a gracious God. Thank you for providing every step of the way.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Spring break how to: step 1 board plane headed for Milan. #katiespiceurope #SB2k16
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 25, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 25, 2016 at 10:47AM
Monday, February 22, 2016
Referring to the fact that I've never had a boyfriend... my host sister says "You're like an apple." #quotes #what #katiespiceurope
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 22, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 22, 2016 at 11:19AM
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Excursion #4 - Utrecht
A guy walks into a bar. He looks around a little confused... walk out double checks that the sign says bar and walks back in. He walks up to the bartender and asks, "do you serve drinks here?" The bartender says, "We serve most anything from Beer on down!" The man says, "Oh good, I almost thought this was a church." The bartender replies, "Good thing you didn't walk in a few decades back!"
True story... Okay, well not really. However, the first stop on our Utrecht excursion was to a bar that used to be an old Catholic hiding church.
A lady, so in tune with the will of the Father that she places her self in a position of humility towards her God for continuous prayer.
The Dom Kerk was divided in half. Literally, divided in half due to a large storm that caused part of the building to collapse. The bell tower remains separate from the church. When you enter the gardens of the church you might be a little confused and want to start waving a wand around. I felt transported to the world of Hogwarts for a few minutes.
Three hundred and sixty five steps. Thats right. 365. Up and Up and Up. The Dom tower is the bell tower to the Dom Kerk. This tower is the tallest one in the Netherlands. The view from the top... Well, I'll just say that I'm glad there was a fence!
A tradition for our excursions is to sit, warm up, and drink something (koffie, thee, etc). This café, was built on top of and in the old Roman sector of the city. The basement still holds two Roman pillars. Talk about history!
The Rietveld Schröder House: Imagine a house that could change. Walls can move, windows can become walls, beds are couches, the ceiling opens up to let in light. And then change it all back. Rietveld was a man ahead of his time. A modern building in the midst of traditional Dutch construction, yet it holds true to the Dutch belief that space is everything.
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The City of Utrecht from the Dom Tower |
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Is it a church? Is it a bar? Well actually its a bar in an old Catholic church. #utrecht #katiespiceurope
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 18, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 18, 2016 at 03:26AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
42 thoughts on 42 hours Berlin, Germany
- Public Transportation day pass cost €7. Use on tram, subway, and buses.
- Public Transportation exact change is preferred otherwise you hold up the entire bus.
- Reichstag Building. A perfect spot to take pictures of other people taking pictures.
- There is always a lot of people around the Brandenburg Gate, but if you can place yourself just right you can see the Victory Column through the middle of the gate. #PicturePerfect
- The Victory Column marked a victory of war and also suffered the effects of a different war.
- Climb the 294 stairs to the top of the Victory Column for €3.
- Five main streets form rays of a sun around the roundabout surrounding the Victory column
- I would feel safe as a single girl walking around, but this trip I was with 2 guys (my body guards as my host family labeled them).
- Food! Let's just say Germans have good taste! Sauerkraut, Goulash, Spätzle.
- Food part two: Schnitzel! A must-have if you visit Germany.
- Berlin Central Station is huge! Know which platform your train leaves from beforehand.
- Soviet Memorial, the memorial is in Russian, but there is a portion behind it that has Russian, German, and English.
- Street Artists: People juggle in the middle of the road on a red light! What!?
- Street artists part two: There was a bear (well a man in a bear suit), and a man playing a music box.
- Credit cards are accepted at most every place except small cafes and restaurants.
- Pedestrian buttons: Don't be fooled if the button doesn't depress because in Berlin the "buttons" are sensors.
- Postcard stamps €0,90
- T-Mobile Thank You for International Coverage!
- So many cars!
- Be prepared to be jostled in the buses.
- One day it's Sunny the next it's snowing! (Reminds me of home)
- Directions - figure out which direction you are facing and match that up with the map before you start walking. I should have learned this from NYC, yet I still start walking and then realize two blocks later I am going the wrong direction.
- You can't see everything. No matter how much you plan, and how much you walk, and how late you stay up. You cannot see everything. Even if you live in an area for 42 years you will never see everything.
- I don't look German so most people spoke English to me.
- Trash cans are orange. Do not mistake them for post boxes (Post boxes in the Netherlands are orange).
- Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe features 2,711 stelae reinforcing the enormity of this horrific event in history.
- It's perfectly okay to play tourist for a day! Just make sure that you find at least one "off the beaten path" place on your trip.
- Topography of Terror Museum is Free!
- German History Museum. Students €4 with ID.
- Checkpoint Charlie: 1 of 3 checkpoints along the Berlin Wall.
- Berlin Wall. There are pieces all over the city, with graffiti on them. Most famous spots are at Checkpoint Charlie and Topography of Terror Museum.
- Beer! My first dark beer since I've been abroad. A true German Beer, now that is the way to go!
- Coffee shops. Don't worry, in Germany, coffee is not synonymous for pot.
- Travel buddies. They make life interesting. You learn a lot about them, especially if you share a room for two nights and spend 54 consecutive hours with them. You learn that one blow dries his hair and the other gets hangry pretty fast.
- Hostels are nice if you're on a budget, but if you have some wiggle room go for an apartment or an Air BnB, you won't be disappointed.
- When in Europe travel by train. It might take a longer time, but you get fantastic views of different cities, and of the landscape.
- Train travel part two: Don't worry about reservations on Bahn (German trains)
- Walking. Most everything can be reached by walking so be prepared to walk a lot.
- Good walking shoes. Even if you are planning on only using public transportation, the small distances you'll be walking you will most likely encounter uneven ground. (i.e. brick walk ways). Have a good pair of sturdy shoes because your feet will thank you.
- I always pack too much!
- Mail boxes - YELLOW! Need I say more?
Saturday, February 13, 2016

294 stairs later I claim victory! Aka I climbed the victory tower. #Berlin #TheTeam #katiespiceurope
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 13, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 13, 2016 at 03:35AM
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Exursion #3 - Groningen

A tour of Groningen in verse.
Take a picture here.
Walk a little more.
Take another picture there.
Almost trip on brick walkways.
Almost get run over by bikers.
Almost get mistaken for being Dutch.

Hear church bells at every corner
Wonder how old that church must be?
Climb up
Circle around
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Who knew I was an artist? |
Phew, nearly missed that 1000 ft drop
Never thought I'd say that in a flat country
Or see an underwater museum
Brrr.. it's cold
Drinken koffie en thee
Wat is dat?
Art in the form of clothes
Art in the form of paintings
Art in the form of furniture
While in Groningen, we saw and learned many things. Groningen like many Dutch towns/cities was birthed out of history. Mainly a farming community, Groningen developed into a land that was home to the Jewish culture. The pain of WWII can still be seen as memorial stones mark homes of Jewish families. The architecture of the Netherlands is very similar from city to city, using all the space they had access to (and then creating more by reclaiming the sea). We were able to tour inside a 13th century church on this excursion, and I mean inside the church. We climbed up one of the hallowed out pillars to experience the architecture first hand. Situated as an Island, the Groningen city center can only be reached by bridges crossing over the circular canal. The Groninger museum, is built in the canal itself. It is a modern museum that museum goers can experience art not only through the pictures on the wall but also in the architecture of the building. Whats more is that museum goers can even create a little art themselves in a hands hand portion of the museum. As the country I come from continues to grow into a modern nation, I have come to appreciate the pieces of history that the Netherlands continues to preserve and incorporate in both old and new ways.
#studyabroad American cookies made in Netherlands... Just not the same. Still tasty though! #lekker #katiespiceurope http://pic.twitter.com/d0S3mtveoG
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 10, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 10, 2016 at 05:21AM
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Excusion #2 - Amsterdam
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Our group! 5 Germans 1 American |
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Traveling with 23 ... Almost get run over by cars ...I'm sticking close to the front! #crazydrivers #katiespiceurope— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 2, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 02, 2016 at 05:10AM
— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 2, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 02, 2016 at 04:27AM
Monday, February 1, 2016

Morning #tea, lunch tea, afternoon tea, late afternoon tea, dinner tea, after dinner tea, evening tea, bedtime tea. #katiespiceurope— Katie Argo (@katie_argo) February 1, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/katie_argo
February 01, 2016 at 03:16AM