//Spicy Travels//
What do Spicy Travels look like? Hmm... eating flaming hot Cheetos maybe? Visiting the equator? Tasting new food? Perhaps all of these are true, but this semester my spicy travels will be on the tame side as I explore the Netherlands with SPICE (Study Program In Contemporary Europe).
Here is a little peek into the SPICE program. We will be taking excursions with two courses: art and architecture and Dutch culture and society. This last Tuesday marked our first excursion to the fantastic city of ... Zwolle, Netherlands in the province of Overijssel. As many know, this city is my home until May. It doesn't feel as big as cities back home in the States, but once you start exploring there is a lot to discover. This effect is most likely because of the way the Dutch make use of their space.
Space is everything.
It's small,
its tight,
its tall,
its packed.
On our excursion we walked from Viaa (the Reformed University), to the city center.
Along the way stopping to admire the house boats. Yes, the Dutch even make use of the space in the canals. The canal around Zwolle (shaped as a star) was used at one time as protection and now it is used as a housing platform and backyard. (Backyards here are also very small).
Once in the city center, our two main stops were the museum and the bookshop.

Museum de Fundatie.
Type: Art
Is it worth seeing: Yes
Most memorable exhibit: Dutch Identity
Interesting info: The top of the building is called the "eye."

Waanders in de Broeren
What is it? This used to be a church, a monetary, and was recently renovated into a bookshop with a restaurant. The ceiling (left), and organ (right) are original.
The ceiling was painted with pictures of Saints and Bible stories to educate the illiterate about Christianity.
It is so strange for me to be in a city with so much history, so much pain, so much joy, so much culture. The bridge below for example. It is a new bridge built over the place where a very old bridge stood. That old bridge held a painful history. The Netherlands was occupied by Nazi Germany. Germans befriended the Dutch people, played with their children, were friends with shop keepers and then slowly Nazism took over. This bridge was the site of executions. But, triumph came in the form of a Canadian, as he rode into Zwolle and ... basically scared off the occupying Germans. In the middle of an execution none the less! Family were reunited and hope filled the holes left by pain. History fills this city. History that I only read about in books and see pictures online. Now I see where history took place.
Lord God, You are the creator of all. The author of history itself. You had a plan and saw it through. Guide me in your plan. allow my life to be a sweat fragrance and offering to who the author of salvation. Amen
Love that bookstore! Also love your description about the bridge. It truly makes history become more "real" when you stand in the place where it happened.