Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Balancing Tale

"Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends.You are constantly off balance."
- Cesare Pavese 

Traveling can balance you and leave you unbalanced at the same time. Life happens at home when you are not around, trains take longer than you think and you end up taking 6 different trains sometimes to get where you want to go, traveling makes you tired. 

After walking the streets of Italy, and wondering the ruins of Athens, after several hours of train rides to Paris, Copenhagen, Goteborg, and Oslo I came to a realization that despite the joy of traveling to someplace new its hard because I started to feel off balance. 

In all of those places, I encountered water and sailboats! In those times when I've been traveling, I felt like I was on my sail boat. You set off looking out onto the water, wanting to feel the waves splash across your boat, wanting to catch the wind, go fast go far, race the other boats, see the sun set from the middle of the lake, explore the other side. However, what you don't realize is how strong the winds get in the middle, how confusing the winds can get when they come from multiple directions, and how when you're in the middle of the lake how much balance it takes to keep your boat from capsizing. When a gust of wind comes you have a couple different options: (1) let out your sail, slow down, don't capsize. (2) sheet in the sail, catch the wind, hike out, balance the boat. (3) sheet in, catch the wind, forget about balance and end up in the water. There are many other variations but these are the main three. When you've been sailing for a while, finding the balance of the boat comes naturally, knowing what to do in situations is like knowing your own name. 

I don't have that luxury yet of knowing balance on a study abroad program or knowing the balance of traveling like I do the sailboat. Life is all about finding and creating balance between social time and alone time, balance between too much sugar and the "right" amount, balance between talking too much and talking too little, balance between family and traveling, balance between studying and traveling. We are faced with this challenge of balance everyday. So how do I find and create balance between all these aspects?

This is what I have learned so far. Balance is about being flexible.When I look at water it reminds me of something my dad always said to me. That you just need to let things run off your cheek like water and oil. Or something like that... who knows what he actually he said because I was crying so much when he said it! Essentially, he was saying that I need to let things go so that the world around me can rebalance itself. When you're on a sailboat and you know you can't balance your boat, there is one thing you can do, we call it the safety position, let go of the tiller and the main sheet and your boat turns into the wind, you may feel a little wobbly, but it gives you time to collect yourself and your boat. It gives you time to rebalance. 

Balance is about knowing your limits. Balance is about being able to say that you know yourself well enough to not be afraid to say no or say I need to stop - to let go of a few things in order to collect yourself. Balance is about knowing what your priorities are and what needs focus for the world around you to rebalance itself.


Heavenly Father, in you we find balance. May we draw closer to you everyday so that we can experience that balance so that we can experience shalom.


Sunday, March 20, 2016


Enjoy the time you have in a city no matter how short it is!! Find something that makes you happy so that you can look back on it and smile! // #katiespiceurope #Norway #internationaldayofhappiness via Instagram

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Excursion #5 - Rotterdam

Rotterdam! A diverse city, which isn't surprising since it is a port city and was the main hub for migration to the new world - Hotel New York!! Additionally, there are 30 mosques and about 250 Christian Churches for a population of just over half a million making it the Netherlands second largest city.

A theme commonly repeated on all of our excursions is that space is everything. These houses are a great example of that. Rather than using the space on the ground the architect decided to use the space in the air. This leaves room for shops, walking paths, a little garden, and bike storage just below the houses.

The most impressing portion of the excursion to Rotterdam was the visit the Turkish Mosque. We drank Turkish tea, discussed the Islamic religion, and saw inside the prayer room. This visit helped me to see past the news and how media portrays Islam. I never realized how clouded my vision could get but the visit helped me to see past the muck that's in the news.

In a typical dutch fashion, our group biked around the city! But I forgot my emergency potato in case of hunger. ;) Thankfully, we had a stop at the Market! All these different food vendors inside one place. The walls even screamed food (not literally, but in the art)!

Lord, you are the one true God! Thank you for sending your son Jesus to save us from our sin. 



No better way to capture a seaport city than with the cranes of the port. #katiespiceurope #sweden #stillalivefam via Instagram


from Twitter

March 19, 2016 at 02:25AM

Friday, March 18, 2016


Photo diary entry 9,033: The selfie game may not be on point but don't worry fam(s) I'm still alive! #katiespiceurope #denmark via Instagram

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Katie interviews Katie

Q and A with Katie

SPICE 2016 group
Are you still alive?
-- Yes

Are you done yet? 
-- No

Are you fluent in Dutch yet? 
-- Nee, Ik spreek Engels. Although I did speak Dutch in my dream the other night... zo, ik spreek Nederlands een beetje

What has been the hardest thing so far? 
-- Not realizing how fast time moves. I mean we are already over halfway! I feel like it was just last week that I was stepping off the plane thinking "Alright... I can work with this... They have peanut butter thats a good sign." Everyone always say that time moves fast, but you don't realize how fast it moves until you reflect, and with SPICE we reflect a lot so its pretty clear how fast time moves.

How have you dealt with homesickness?
-- People interaction!! If I'm alone, I'm left to my own thoughts too much. Getting connected with people here whether that be the SPICE group, my host family, or making new friends at church. But, I am a processor so I also needed to talk things through with people who understand my word salad, so Skype dates are a must for me.

How have you dealt with having everything that is familiar 7 times zones away?
-- It feels so strange to say this but things here feel familiar now. I came back after spring break and realized just how familiar it is to hear dutch in the train station. But, I do miss the familiarity of buying things at and walking around Walmart. Spending Saturday or Sunday grocery shopping at Walmart was familiar and that was part of my weekly routine. Now I make my way around Hema or Jumbo after school and that has become as normal as my Sunday afternoons spent in Walmart

What has been the easiest thing to get used to so far? 
-- Having to do my Dordt homework all online. I spend my Monday's at home finishing almost all my assignments for the week.

What do you wish someone told you about studying abroad?
-- How much it will feel like home. How fast time moves. That you'll hear all this advice before you leave and not actually think its true until you get halfway and then you have your realization moment.

What is your favorite memory? 
-- See Dinner Time (My Study Abroad Recipe) blog post.

What do you still want to do in the next two months? 
-- I want to connect my two families. My sisters are visiting at the end of the month and my mom and dad are visiting at the end of the program. It will be exciting to be able to share this experience first hand with them.
-- I also really want to visit the Scandinavian countries!

Why do you blog? 
-- It's another way for me to process things and to see where things have changed along the way. Also, this way I don't have to overload everyone back at home with 4 hour long summaries of my 4 months abroad when I go home in May.

Has anything changed since you've been here?
-- A lot has changed. I've changed, America has changed, my home has changed. My home church NHLC shut its doors, which was heart breaking for me especially since I could not be there for the last service. Elections are happening so thats a big deal! And, I've changed. I think that I've become more independent. I've traveled all by myself and had to realize just how strong I have to be (to fend off the 80 year old marriage proposals), but I also have had to learn to rely on God more than ever.

Do you follow the news back home? 
-- Did I ever really follow news even when I was home? Lol! I think I follow it more now that I'm across the ocean. It's strange to me, but American news makes it in the Dutch papers and on the TV.

What is your favorite thing about the Dutch culture?
-- Hold the phone! I only get to choose one thing? Hmmm... Well, it's a tie between stroopwafels and Hagel Slag.

What other questions do you have for me?

Lord Jesus, Thank you for this opportunity. Please continue to walk with me and bless my time here in the Netherlands.


Saturday, March 12, 2016


#nofilter needed for the joy that trying to take selfies beings me! Especially when it's a selfie with the Eiffel Tower! Say what?! #parisadventures #katiespiceurope via Instagram

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

On my own but not Alone

Chances are, people you meet when you travel alone will be incredibly interesting people.

Eleven nights on my own (living out of one small backpack), traveling and exploring the southern part of Europe by myself. Some call me adventurous, while others call me crazy. The number one question that I get asked is "Don't you get lonely." My reply... Yes, of course I do because we are creatures meant to be in relationship with other humans. I miss having conversations over meals and sharing a good laugh as we walk away from a bizarre situation. I miss the security of having a buddy when I walk down a sketchy street and having someone to talk to in order to avoid the awkward social exchange with strangers.  
But, was I every truly alone? No, with God by my side I was never alone. When I was feeling lonely there was always something or someone that came my way to give me laughter and give me company. Here are 5 stories from my trip where God provided a good laugh, comfort, and companionship.

(1) Have you ever been hit on by an 80 year old man? Well I have! His name is Aldo. He lives in Genoa, Italy, the city I took a spontaneous day trip to. At first I thought that Aldo was offering to take my picture for me, but instead he wanted to show me the Cathedral. He barely spoke English so our conversation was a lot of famous American Songs that Aldo would hum and I would sing a line or two. Inside the Church, Aldo showed me the bomb that didn't explode. As we talked Aldo would call me "bella donna, bonita!" At one point, he started to hum "here comes the bride." Before, I said my goodbyes we went for the Italian two cheek kiss, but heading towards the second cheek I was staring at Aldo's lips! Don't worry I didn't kiss him, I just called him a sneaky man and walked off with a wave. Ciao!

This is the sneaky Aldo!
(2) Have you ever mistaken a garbage can for something else? Julie did! Julie and Becca are a mother daughter duo visiting Venice the same day I did. I didn't meet them until the end of the day, but our short conversation and company on the long train ride filled me with joy. The day was gloomy, rainy, and tiring. I barely stopped walking except to take a boat ride, eat food, and visit a couple churches. The company of this mother daughter duo reminded me that its the little things that make you smile. For example, all trains come equipped with a trash can, Julie didn't realize this and thought the box was for wet umbrellas. Becca was so embarrassed that her mom put the umbrellas in the trash can, but we all found it comical and had a good laugh for a short time.

(3) Have you ever wanted a butt like a man in an old painting? Not until Milan I didn't. There's nothing like the company of people who you can call your own. Luke, Eliana, Sarah came to visit Milan, where I was their guide for the day. We spent the afternoon laughing at silly jokes, such as how firm the butts of some of the men in paintings are!

(4) Have you ever met an Angel? Well, I met an Angela in Athens. She was a true blessing, dispelling any uncomfortable feelings I had in a new city. Angela is a Taiwanese Business women, who stayed in the same hostel as me. Within 5 minutes of meeting her she invites me to eat with her. Every night in Athens, Angela and I would go out to eat and each night I would learn something more about her life, her business, her travels! This just goes to show that companionship comes in many forms.

First night in Athens with Angela
(5) Have you ever been so excited to talk to a complete stranger? After a 11 days of being on your own, a simple conversation can bring a smile to your face. On the train ride from Thessaloniki to Athens, I was tired, I was anxious, and all I wanted was something familiar. Thats when I met Elias, a 19 year old boy. We came from different places, and had different experiences, but it was the ease of conversation about school, music, and dreams for the future felt familiar. In our short conversation before we each drifted off to sleep, I felt assured that friends can be made at any time and in any place!


When you travel by yourself you learn a lot about who you are, what gives you strength, and where your foundation lies. One of the biggest lessons I learned on this trip was to put my full reliance in God. I had to trust that He would light my path and provide for me every step of the way. He provided friends and company to remind me that even when I travel by myself, I am never truly alone. He goes before me and walks right beside me. Never did he leave. Not once.

Matt Redman, Never Once:

"Standing on this mountaintop

Looking just how far we've come
Knowing that for every step
You were with us
Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did you leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful"

Father God, your faithfulness continues to amaze me. Thank you for never letting go of my hand and always keeping me in your presence.



Sunday, March 6, 2016


Another successful day trip! // Riddle me this... Does the white tower look white to you?? #sb2k16 #katiespiceurope #greece via Instagram

Saturday, March 5, 2016


When life gives you an opportunity to soak in the sun for a day... Take it! You need all the Vitamin D you can get! #athens #sb2k16 #katiespiceurope via Instagram

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


from Twitter

March 02, 2016 at 03:20AM


Sometimes it feels like a dream. Other times it feels normal. Sometimes I pinch myself to make sure it's not inception. #sb2k16 #milan #katiespiceurope #studyabroad via Instagram